My sister and I climbed the stairs to Terrace 2 Right (free tickets!). The nice usher offered us the Playbill and a theater-safe LED lighter. We found our seats among the familiar faces from the SMC Indy event. I imagine there were at least a dozen check-ins on FourSquare, but I wouldn't know for sure since I have been holding out on registering. I attempted to tweet a picture of my radical new lighter with no luck. Then the lights came down and the introduction called people who text during the show "douche-bags." For real! I knew this show was going to bad ass from there.
If you ever get the chance to see Rock of Ages, go!
Moose guarding his sod. |
He loves the sod. He was one with the sod. He started to hold small pieces of it between his paws like a blankey. It was the oddest thing I've seen him do. I mean, he really loves the sod.