Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Now Brown Cow

Erin put up new shower curtains yesterday and the fresh, rubbery plastic smell instantly conjured memories of wearing water wings at my Grandma McMahon's community pool.  Man, if you didn't wet your arm and the wing first, ouch! Besides that occasional mishap, only warm, fond memories come to mind from playing at her pool.  She carted Beth and I along to her morning water aerobics with the other ladies in the community.  We would have to sit on the side of the pool or participate in the exercises.  "Hoooowww noooowww brooooowwwn coooowwww" topped my list of favorite exaggerated mouth exercises.  These ladies were more interested in preventing facial sag than trimming a few inches off their waists.  "A-E-I-O-U" over and over again motivated the group, too.

A concrete bridge stretched the width of the pool near the middle.  We could not walk across this architectural feature but we most certainly shimmied our way to the middle from underneath like monkeys just to drop into the water.  One day, Beth and I conquered this task repeatedly until our fingers nearly bled.  We weren't bothered until we went to see "The Natural" that night and could barely eat the buttered popcorn due to our raw fingers.

All this from a new shower curtain...Miss you much, Grandma!

Thanks to ForRent.com for this image...I need to learn these photo rules...eek!

Got to have a 1/2 day at camp....GOOD BOY!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010


While I was scanning items on "Black Friday" at my part time job at the superstore, I was delighted to see how many toys of my childhood have stood the test of times. As Mr. Potato Head beeped over my scanner, Easy Bake Oven lined up behind him and then the farm wheel thing that you pull chord and you land on one of Old MacDonald's animals.  Of course, there were Wii's, DVDs, and a talking Maltese, too.  It was just refreshing to see some toys I grew up with aren't completely obsolete.  There are days that I feel older than dirt and it's too late to have dreams, but then an Easy Bake Oven comes down the line to remind me of grander plans...which by the way have never included becoming a baker, but a farmer, maybe, and I do like potatoes.  I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.  

Sometimes I wish I had a vocational dream, like "I want to be a farmer," "I want to be a nurse," or "I want to be a fireman."  Lord knows, I didn't dream of selling Internet Advertising and scanning shenanigans coming down a conveyor belt, but life truly is good.  All I can do is try to be the best possible Meghan that I can be and enjoy short moments with Mr. Potato Head...I couldn't have dreamed a life this full...for real...I am serious.

all photos rights to Hasbro or Disney or somebody other than me

    Generally awesome. 

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Yesterday, Moose and Lilli had a play date with Cheetah and Sister at the dog park east of ours.  It was a SUCCESS!  I watched Moose like a hawk with every other dog.  I knew he'd be fine with Cheetah and Sister because they've know each other since with he was a pup.  Those girls put him right in his place. Erin and I left the park saying, "There's just a better vibe at this dog park."  I love the park where we are "members," but there really was a different energy among the human visitors - more laid back, less snooty, and generally kinder.   

I believe whole-heartedly that the dogs pick up on that energy.  Moose knows when I am sad and just need to snuggle on the couch or when I am sick and can't give him an ounce of exertion.  He just knows.  So, surely these beasts pick up when there is bad juju or funkiness and carry that with their behavior.  I am no animal psychologist, and this is pure speculation.  I am just saying the Moose was a GOOD BOY at the park yesterday and the vibe was good. 

***Took a two-day holiday from the blog and then felt guilty after watching "Julie/Juila" last night.  I know, I know...you were all distraught, and I am sorry.  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's an action

Some very wise people have told me that "Gratitude is an action."  "Huh?" was my first reaction.  It was further explained that if I claim to be grateful for something I need to show it with my actions.  Less lip service and more foot movement.  For example, "I am extremely grateful for my family."  Okay.  So what I am going to do about it?  I try to show up for them and be present when I am with them.  I don't do this perfectly...at all.  "I am grateful for my car."  Yet my car sometimes collects all my coffee cups, documents, pop cans, etc.  I need to show my ride some respect and spruce it up.  "I am grateful for Moose."  Walk the good boy!  Get it? You picking up what I'm putting  down? 

Here's another one.  "I am grateful AT&T gave us all the movie channels for free this weekend in an attempt to gouge us for money."  Now, I must go watch the The Hangover and be grateful that Bradley Cooper exists.

Mom told me to leave her out of the blog.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Name Is. My Name Is...

     Did you know that Moose is no stranger to blogs?  That's right.  His doggie daycare, The Good Dog Hotel and Spa, featured him in an October blog...his very own feature, "Hi. My Name is Moose."  Unfortunately, we haven't been able to visit there in the last couple of weeks - hence the part-time job.  Now, don't go thinking Moose is all kinds of spoiled (he's totally spoiled) because he frequents The Good Dog.  He usually only gets to go once a week to get him good and tired.  
     I was thinking after last weekend's dog park incident that Moose never gets in trouble at daycare.  The ladies mentioned he once bullied a black female Great Dane around the water bowl...once out of like 20 visits.  My friend Darci reassured me it is because the staff knows how to handle a pack of dogs as opposed to us novice dog people at the park.  Until the daycare funds increase and I get the guts to return to the park, it is walks no matter the weather.  I better get a nice butt out of this!
         GOOD BOY

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Valuable Prevention

Tonight was Orientation at my new part-time job at a large superstore-type place (see hint below.)  We had a session with a member from the loss prevention team who was by far the most entertaining portion of this 5-hour experience.  He has a Segway, people...for real! The protector/enforcer said something thought provoking that I thought I'd share with you.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Deep, huh?  My parents are getting to the age where weird stuff is happening to them and their friends in regards to health.  The stuff I am always thinking, "I don't have to worry about that because I am too young."  Well, I am sure they thought that up till the point that a scare slapped them in their face.  So the list begins: calcium supplements, long walks with Moose, increased H2O intake, smoking cessation (I lied about all the fresh air), decreased sodium, and the list goes on ad infinitum. 
umm...can i get sued for this? 
Poor fella had a long day in the crate but did well.  GOOD BOY!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Follower vs. Reader

Let's talk about you for a while shall we?  Random Thoughts and Corn Stalks has been holding steady at 20 "Followers" for several days now.  I was really enjoying logging in each day to find a few more had jumped on board.  Who is going to be number 21 in honor of my 21st post...do you recall the 21-days-habit-forming-commitment?  Mom? Dad? Erin? Here is the real question I have tonight - do I value readers or followers more?

My sister is a follower and came clean at family dinner last night that she does not read the blog everyday. My mother hasn't figured out how to sign up and all that, but she does in fact read my blog each and every day.  Dad did a cram reading session at the nudge of  Mom this weekend.  Believe me, I am grateful to each and everyone of you for peeking, diligently reading, browsing, clicking, critiquing, or just telling me you read it.  

I guess what I am pondering is the goal?  Now that I have the habit, what is my next goal for Random Thoughts and Corn StalksBy the way, that title is something I've had tucked away since dinosaurs roamed the planet (college where I thought I'd write the next great American novel.)  That goal has appropriately reformed to its right size here in blogland where I simply just write.  Thanks to all of you for coming along for the ride.  I will try not to put you all in boxes and just let you be you.
No relevance - just sick of my face on Facebook posts
Graciously entering his crate like a GOOD BOY!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Come to Mama

I am such a fair-weather Indianapolis Colts fan.  Come playoffs, I am all in and pumped and actually watch the games.  Tonight, I had no clue what time they were playing and had no thought of wearing my #63 Jeff Saturday jersey (I picked that one because he seems like a really nice guy and it wasn't the ubiquitous #18.)  I showed up at Mom and Dad's for the last half and really tried to focus for a bit...but...then...there he was.

Tom-come to mama-Brady.  Dear Heavens, he is one beautiful specimen of God's work.  I lost all focus on the Colts. The random thoughts flooded in "Is Gisele at the game...would the TV network have to pay her to film her...no dummie she is in public...didn't you graduate from Journalism school?! Do they love each other or is it just their supreme beauty that binds?"  Then Peyton barrels a pass down field into the hands of a Patriot to lose the game.  

"Maybe if I wasn't thinking about Tom so much this wouldn't have happened."  Maybe the game has absolutely NOTHING to do with me. I really dislike the Patriots, but I love me some Tom Brady.  Does that make me a traitor?  Peyton is a nice, smart, skilled, talented, good fella of a quarterback but he has nothing on Tom's dreaminess...I can't help but be honest about that! 

Happily entering crate when we leave the house.  Got a good long, hard walk today.  Good boy!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Seriously Bad

And by seriously, I mean seriously.  This is a sad day in our household.  The crate is officially out of the basement and up and ready to house a very bad dog...very bad.  Honestly, I don't have all of the details to report but Moose's behavior was bad enough to cause my roommate to leave the house for a breather.  Apparently, while I was at a workshop all day, and while Erin stepped out for an hour or so, Moose decided to shred some literature about budgeting that was collecting dust on my bedroom floor.  This act of frustration signaled Erin to take the dogs to the park for some exercise.  Generous roomie that she is, she made the venture.  

Well, I guess things got pretty ugly at the park.  Moose got in a fight and wouldn't back down.  The other dog people were not very happy with this and let Erin have it.  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The park exercise is a solution to the literature shredding...or was.  Now, I think we may be shunned from the park.  Erin has sworn off taking him and now I have so much fear and shame, I don't if I can go back. This just plain sucks and is seriously bad.  I took him for a 45-minute walk tonight and is still ornery as hell.  BAD MOOSEY....sad mama...frustrated roommate.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mama Santa

My sweet mother sent an email to my sister, Beth, and I this week asking for a Christmas wish list.  I haven't responded yet because in all honesty, I do not have any major wants and have all that I need.  But if I did have wants, maybe they would look like this...

Dear Mama Santa,
Thank you so much for asking what I might like for the Christmas holiday.  I really don't have any wants or needs.  I would just like to spend some time with the family eating some good food.  But if you absolutely insist on some suggestions, I guess I can come up with a few. 
Moose and I would like to move home with you and Dad and I can be a full-time graduate student.
Oh, I know you're allergic to Moose and I have already boomeranged twice since college, so that's probably not a good idea. Maybe a fancy new camera for posting beautiful images to my blog would be more reasonable.  I like this one:
A little excessive? I haven't had much luck lately posting fancy stuff to the blog, but this camera could change everything.
Probably not, actually...not necessarily a good investment.
I sure do miss the garage from my old house, especially with the recent morning frosts.
Automatic Car Starter...AWESOME!

That's just lazy now that I think about it.

Really, Mama Santa, all I want for Christmas is a new pair of socks and a whole day to spend with you in our pajamas watching all the sappy movies we want on Lifetime or Hallmark - seriously.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

At Work

Well, I worked hard to create an exhibit of randomness at work, but I think you'll have to double click this image or zoom in or get a magnifying glass or wait till I figure out how to make something bigger and clearer.  I was lacking in thoughts to share, so I figured a visual display may be a nice change of pace.  Oh well, better luck next time.  Just you wait, loyal followers, one day this blog is going to be so technologically advanced.  We'll look back and say, "Remember when that silly Meghan couldn't post media in her blog." And we'll have a good ol' laugh...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Hot Mess

I came home at lunch today to stir my enchilada crock pot concoction and to walk the dogs.  I failed to mention yesterday that Moose was GOOD BOY due to my video embedding debacle.  I knew we'd be pushing our luck today with him since he hadn't had any really good exercise in the last couple of days, so a lunch walk was a must.

It was a sunny but chilly day so I wore my mitten/gloves - the ones that have a convertible top on them to expose or cover the tips of the fingers.  Very versatile knitwear.  At any rate Moose had to take care of some business, so I being the good neighbor that I am, pulled out my plastic grocery bag (recycle, reduce, reuse!) to pick up after my pooch.  At this point my glove/mittens were in mitten mode.  Well, that's the last time that happens because I lost some dexterity and scooped poop with the mitten/gloves. Then in an attempt to close the bag and keep the two dogs wrangled in, it ended up on the other glove/mitten, the leash, and my coat.  This, my friends, is what you literally call a hot mess!

Pretty good. Got a water bottle out of the recycling bin and messed with the bathroom trash.  Roomie is off work in the morning....keeping my fingers crossed the dogs get to go to the park.

Loyal Listener

I consider myself pretty loyal, especially to radio stations.  When I lived in Seattle, I listened to 103.7 The Mountain religiously on my way to work, on lunch, on my way home, on late nights. I called the radio station all the time, too.  Once I called on my way into work when I saw a bald eagle dead on the side of the road.  I didn't know who else to call (I was very lonely in Seattle.) Somehow, I managed to get through to the studio most times.  

Being loyal had its benefits.  The Mountain invited me to a private studio concert of the Indigo Girls, which was amazing.  I even got to ask a question to the ladies.  I was totally star-struck.  Each of their albums represents a different break up of mine in high school.  I also called into 103.7 during lunch one day and answered some silly questions and got to select the next song play.  I chose Train's "Meet Virginia."  Man, I love that song!

When I moved back to Indy in 2004, I felt a void losing my morning show friends and fresh tips on new music.  Luckily, 92.3 WTTS quickly stepped in to ease my whoas.  I wasn't as in love with the personalities but the music was spot on with a little extra dose of Mellencamp (103.7 played a lot of our Hoosier boy, too.)  Every once in a blue moon I need a little Top40 boost, but for the most part my dial stays fixed on 92.3.  Sometimes I find the selection random and a little 70's-esque but then there are weeks like this that I get two new gems to add to the music vault.  I downloaded Fitz & The Tantrums to iTunes and tried to get Amos Lee's "Windows Are Rolled Down."  The latter isn't on iTunes that I can find (enjoy below.)  My loyalty to WTTS has reaped some free goodies, too.  On Valentine's Day this year, One eskimO rocked a private concert at Creation Cafe.  It was one of the coolest shows I have seen   because of the setting, music, and it was free!  

All this loyalty doesn't change the fact that I want XM Satellite radio so bad that it hurts!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Loyal Listener (draft with bad video posting...reposted 11/17)

I consider myself pretty loyal, especially to radio stations.  When I lived in Seattle, I listened to 103.7 The Mountain religiously on my way to work, on lunch, on my way home, on late nights. I called the radio station all the time, too.  Once I called on my way into work when I saw a bald eagle dead on the side of the road.  I didn't know who else to call (I was very lonely in Seattle.) Somehow, I managed to get through to the studio most times.  

Being loyal had its benefits.  The Mountain invited me to a private studio concert of the Indigo Girls, which was amazing.  I even got to ask a question to the ladies.  I was totally star-struck.  Each of their albums represents a different break up of mine in high school.  I also called into 103.7 during lunch one day and answered some silly questions and got to select the next song play.  I chose Train's "Meet Virginia."  Man, I love that song!

When I moved back to Indy in 2004, I felt a void losing my morning show friends and fresh tips on new music.  Luckily, 92.3 WTTS quickly stepped in to ease my whoas.  I wasn't as in love with the personalities but the music was spot on with a little extra dose of Mellencamp (103.7 played a lot of our Hoosier boy, too.)  Every once in a blue moon I need a little Top40 boost, but for the most part my dial stays fixed on 92.3.  Sometimes I find the selection random and a little 70's-esque but then there are weeks like this that I get two new gems to add to the music vault.  I downloaded Fitz & The Tantrums to iTunes and tried to get Amos Lee's "Windows Are Rolled Down."  The latter isn't on iTunes that I can find (enjoy below.)  My loyalty to WTTS has reaped some free goodies, too.  On Valentine's Day this year, One eskimO rocked a private concert at Creation Cafe.  It was one of the coolest shows I have seen   because of the setting, music, and it was free!  

All this loyalty doesn't change the fact that I want XM Satellite radio so bad that it hurts!


This is the first time I have embedded anything and the video appears to be dangling off to the right...que pasa con eso??? 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Waddle You Have

My quirky employer, Angie's List, had a diner delivered over the weekend.  Seeing this beautiful edifice makes me just want to smack gum in my mouth and tap a pencil on a pad of paper and say, "So what's it gonna be this morning, sugar?"  That reminds me of a wooden goose that my grandmother, Marcella, hung in her kitchen.  It said "Waddle you have?"  Ya know? Cause geese waddle? Get it? 

No one quite knows what's going to be on the menu yet or when it will actually be functioning. Seeing as my employer has a pretty robust wellness program, I imagine my visions of cheesy grits and biscuits might be a bit off base.  I am guessing there's going to be wraps with sprouts and and other ruffage.  I wonder if they'll let me play out my impersonation of Flo from "Alice."

      Very good boy!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

I am going to indulge in randomness. Because of the title of the blog, I feel entitled to do so, so I will.  

  • Hacker-spammers suck. My Hotmail account got hacked today and I really only use that account for networking.  "Hello, Mrs. HR from 2003.  Would you like to make some extra cash???"  That is just wrong.  My boss told me it was a pretty advanced spam job.  I wouldn't know, but I don't like it. I feel violated.  Do spammers target people...like they wanted me in particular to be humiliated?
  • I like tacos.  A lot.  They are my favorite food.  Thanks for winning meal tonight, Mom. 
  • Moose is snoring next to me...good boy!
  • I shopped at Family Dollar this week.  Trying to save a few bucks here and there.  Why can Family Dollar sell JIF Peanut Butter so much cheaper than Marsh Supermarket...huh?
  • My homemade chicken noodle soup somehow became creamy chicken and noodles last night.  Where did all the liquid go?  It was delicious, so I am not really complaining.  Just befuddled.
  • My favorite bumper sticker is "What if the Hokey-Pokey really is what it's all about?"
  • Moose is flatulent next to me...not such a good boy.
  • Are men from Mars??? Speaking of planets, I am in full agreement with my uncle Regis that Pluto is a planet, dammit!
How did this little Moose grow into his huge head today??? That's a lot of bone shifting and stuff.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

No Matter the Weather

The sunny 70's of November have come to pass.  Today brought the mid-November weather that seems more appropriate - dreary, misty, and cool.  I took the dogs to the dog park anyways.  I was in need of a laid-back night on the couch and in order to accomplish that, I needed tired, laid-back dogs.

Off to the Broad Ripple Bark Park we went. Moose, Lilli, and I arrived to an empty park at 3:00 on a Saturday afternoon. I felt reminiscent for Marymoor Park in Redmond, WA.  Today's weather would have been glorious there and the park would be filled with pooches.  Washingtonians don't stop for a little dreary drizzle. Fortunately, Moose didn't seem to care that there were no K-9 companions or that the weather was less than optimal.  He bolted from tree to tree to claim the park his own - not a care in the world.  Lilli did what she does - stand by my side and drool.  Get that girl to a body of water and it is game on like any good Golden Retriever.  I love going to the dog park and watching Moose appear to smile from ear to ear.  And I love the end result even more - a happy tired pup to snuggle up and watch a movie alongside me.  He doesn't even care if it's a chic flic.

      The Best Boy Ever!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Frog's Hair

"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right." 
- Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia, Scarlet Begonias.

I spend a lot of time at Last Chance Wrecker across from Angie's list.  That is where I must go to get "fresh air" because Angie's list is a fresh air-free campus (it's opposite day.)  Many personal revelations occur for me at this tow joint.  Just today, I asked James, one of the drivers how he was doing.  He answered, "Finer than a frog's hair...and frog's hair must be mighty fine."  While this was not an earth-shattering revelation, it was nonetheless interesting.
I like James.  He sits on the green, wooden bench with me to take in some fresh air sometimes.  I'd guess that he is in his mid-sixties; he's all gray with a gray beard and wears silver aviatoresque sunglasses.  On one of the 70-degree, sunny November days this week, I was outside reading A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.  James came over and said, "Hey, young lady.  It's nice to have another reader around here."  That just was not what I was expecting to come out of Jame's gray-bearded mouth.  He went on to tell me that he spends many hours sitting in the truck late at night so he reads a lot of books waiting for the next pick up - yet another reason to never judge a book by it's cover.

More "Last Chance" stories to come.  Mr. Ed brought me to tears last week...in a good, heart-warming way.

          NO CLUE.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

By George, it's NaBloPoMo!

While I was reading I Am Bossy (the blog that inspired me to blog, which I stumbled upon while researching what bossy really means when I was told that I was in fact bossy) at lunch today, I checked out one of her featured bloggers from her blogroll (all this lingo is so new to me and weird and kind of uncomfortable.)  On this lady's blog, I discovered that November is National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo)!  

What a coinkydink! I started my blog in November.  However, I do not qualify to participate because of Saturday's missed post.  There are always consequences for our choices...good or bad.  I didn't even know I had consequences coming for a blog I didn't even know I was going to start writing.

The good news is that these NaBloPoMo folks are full of good information and links to other blogs.  I plan on stalking these people and learning some pointers like, post earlier in the day because "most blog reading gets done at lunchtime."  Also, the NaBloPoMo seems pretty laid back and will let me recommit to December.  Thanks, NaBloPoMo....say that three times!

***Moose Status***
Played sick this AM and then pepped up for a visit from his friend, Jason.  This is according to a roommate report.  Thanks, Erin and Jason!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Facebook Birthday

I was flabbergasted, blown away, overwhelmed, shocked...you picking up what I'm putting down...by how many birthday wishes I received today.  I have to say that I honestly didn't get much done at work today.  I felt like I needed to higher a birthday assistant.  My phone kept buzzing and lighting up with notifications of Facebook, eCards, texts, and a few treasured actual phone calls.  My phone battery was nearly toasted by 4PM.

I think I had 200 and some virtual greetings on Facebook, which would be 27% of my friends wishing me well.  I am not sure if I have point with sharing the percentage.  Is that a lot or should I expect more from my 740 friends?  200 and something seems like an awful lot me.  Just flabbergasted and feeling uber-blessed today.  To boot, it was 70 degrees and sunny in Indianapolis on November 10th.  Can't say I've seen that on my birthday in this town.  Wow!

***Moose Status***
   Totally Awesome

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I know. I know. I know!!!  I made a commitment to 21 days of habit-forming blogging and I missed Saturday.  I planned on just breezing by that and moving on until my dear friend Mandy said tonight, "Did you write your blog Saturday?"  She full well knew I didn't and just went the passive route of calling me out.  And I think she just wanted me to know she was actually reading.  Thanks, Mandy, for keeping me accountable or whatever. Pshaw!

So, what happened Saturday was a family trip north to "The Region" for my cousin Laura's 30th surprise party.  Mom, Dad, Beth, and I traveled in Mom's Camry up the 100-some miles of I-65 to Route 30.  I think I have been on that stretch of highway more than anywhere else in the world.  I still always climb in the backseat behind my dad, the driver, on these trips.  It's my seat, I guess.  Growing up, I yielded to my older sister's longer legs that got scrunched by Dad's 6'2" outstretched body. I learned quickly to watch where I put my feet after choking Dad a few times with a few missteps on his seatbelt.  Now, it's just where I sit and I think Mom and Dad's cars are roomier these days - so not much threatened space and tension.

Happy Birthday, Laura!
Wow Wind

This trip included jamming to 60's and 80's on Mom's satellite radio and hanging our heads out the windows to take pictures of the windmills that fill the countryside alongside I-65.  It is a pretty amazing sight! Man, I could write all night about past and recent road trips with the four of us.  There was a pretty nasty incident that included Red Faygo pop!

Well, back to why I didn't blog.  We got back to the hotel late Saturday and I tried to post from my BlackBerry with no luck and I didn't feel like going down to the lobby in my jammies to do it.  Then in the morning, the lobby was filled with Wisconsin Badgers and Packers fans and it was just too much for me to handle on a Sunday morning...so it's a lame excuse but it's all I got.  Shame on me!

***Moose Status***
    GOOD BOY!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Such a Gooooood Boy!!!

     I came home today to nothing - nothing destroyed, nothing chewed, nothing shredded.  Oh boy did we celebrate when I got home! "What a good boy you are, Moosey!  Such a good dog.  Mama is so proud of your sweet little face. GOOD BOY!!!!!"  He got scratches and kisses and ear rubs galore.  
    This was my roommate Erin's suggestion - that whole positive reinforcement thing that I practiced when Moose was a pup.  Recently, I had resorted to threatening his life by rustling shredded papers at him. This 85-pound baby is scared to death of newspapers, magazines and shredded papers.  I swear on all things holy that I do not and have never beat my dog with these items - it's bizarre - oh, and he is afraid of sprinklers. 
    Erin and I took the dogs to the park yesterday for an hour and I walked him for half an hour tonight.  Going to try exercise and positive celebrations for a bit and see how long we can go destructive-free.  Keep you posted.  Maybe I should create a Moose fan page so he can feel your support...
Clean-conscience sleeping

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bad Dog. Bad!

Moose's newest preferred chew toys are picture frames. The first frame to go down housed a picture of my old Airedale Terrior, Indy. I thought he was telling me to just let her go.  Then it was of his own girlfriend, Lilli and now a pressed tree leaf.  My theory was smashed.
A tired dog is a good dog
Unfortunately, he doesn't discriminate whilst chewing much. This week he claimed the AT&T remote, opened up my Skype cam/mic, and destroyed my roommate's book about God. He has no shame!

I thought he had at outgrown these behaviors but over the last several weeks the surprises have become frequent. I know it is his separation anxiety and need for more exercise. When I get home on a day of destruction, I usually find Moose ears back, tail between the legs, and under the dining table.  He knows he's done wrong! 

I really, really do not want to put him back in a crate. I need some help, people! Suggestions?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Thirties' Securities

Well, it's still Friday in California, so I am excusing this near miss on my self-imposed deadline.  Justifying and rationalizing to myself...what's that about?  I went out on the town with a friend tonight and stayed out way past my bedtime.  I feel like I have hit that age where I turn into a pumpkin at midnight.  When did that happen?  

I don't like the gray hairs that have appeared over the last year or two, but for the most part my thirties have delivered many blessings.  For example, I am not nearly as insecure about my appearance in comparison to others as I was in my twenties.  Other ladies can be beautiful and stunning and all that good jazz and I can just be me and be okay with me.  I really never thought that would happen even though I heard other women declare it down to me in my twenties.  "Just wait.  It gets so much better."  I am a believer now and will tell those young ladies the same thing.  They won't believe me until they experience it themselves - just like how I have to learn every lesson life has to offer.  

I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life today.  That doesn't mean I don't have dreams and aspirations.  I just know it's the journey in each day that makes for a full life and I am grateful to know that today.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

I only have 8 minutes to hit my daily deadline to this blog.  I am late because I had to pick up my pen and journal.  I felt like I have been cheating on my journal the last three nights by blogging.  

The two serve two very different purposes for me and one cannot replace the other.  I will not be flushing out all the insane ideas that hit the paper of my journal here on this blog. I have to get those thoughts out onto paper.  This blog, I guess, is an attempt at actually writing to an audience again, which is something I have not done in quite a while.  My journal's audience is God; he can handle the insanity.  As for the seven of you awesome people maybe reading this, time will only tell.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I was given an assignment by a spiritual advisor of sorts this week.  I thought she told me to "seek my truth" this week but when I talked to her today she reminded me to "speak my truth."  

I wonder how many other things I have mistranslated though the years.  I guess in this instance I heard what I was meant to hear because I can't really speak my truth until I actually know my truth through seeking it. 

Truth is I'd like to eat some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups right now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

21 days

To my committed three followers - THANK YOU!  You have given me a reason to continue on with the second entry into blogland.  I have heard it takes 21 days of doing something to make it a habit, so I am gonna give this a good ol' habit-forming shot.  Hope you guys stick around!
This photo has absolutely no relevance to this post but I felt the need to include a photo.
I foresee this new commitment to writing as a potential procrastination excuse.  For example, I should be working on a requested application.  Besides procrastinating, I am also really good at justifying why I should or should not do something to fit with my own agenda.  I have no interest in filling out this particular application while I am already tucked into bed, blogging to my sister and two dear friends, so I shall claim shenanigans on their request.  Shenanigans!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ode to Mr. Shoop

My high school Yearbook teacher, Mr. Shoop, always said that in order to be a good writer you must first be a good reader.  That's always stuck with me, so as I attempt to get back to writing regularly I picked out a new book for inspiration. 

I am guilty of judging books by their covers and the billowy clouds on A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers drew me in a year or two ago at Borders or Barnes & Nobles.  Then it sat on my bedside table for who knows how long - long enough for my American Bulldog, Moose, to go nuts with separation anxiety and take it out on everything that had piled up on my nightstand.  Mr. Egger's heartbreaking work laid strewn all over the house with a guilty pup cowering in the corner.

Luckily, my dear sister loaned me her copy and I embarked on this printed journey last night...nearly a year after the I fell for the cover.  I am only xxiv pages into the Acknowledgements and caught myself laughing so hard that I snorted out loud.  Good stuff.  Sure sign of enjoyment - snort-out-loud laughing!