Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Trend Watch - Clutter Control

The dollar bins at Tarjzay shed all the holiday chotskies this week and in came the organizers, calendars, and pens.  Folks have been buying storage bin after storage bin along with free weights, yoga mats, Pilates videos, Shake Weights (As Seen on TV), and exercise apparel.  It's nice to see all these people getting their lives together. 

Someone asked me today what resolutions I have made for 2011.  Is that the year? Heck, I am still singing Christmas carols (truth be told, I sing them in June as well.)  I feel totally detached from the turn of the New Year and have not set one single, clear goal.  Erin, on the other hand, has stripped Christmas from our home and de-cluttered our "common areas" in a serious way today.  The piles of clean and dirty laundry, Christmas gifts in their gift bags, an unused stereo, a storage bin of all my Spain memorabilia, and other misplaced items are caving in on me in my room.  I need a clean sweep intervention!  My mother always tells me that a messy house is a messy mind - so on point with that one - can't even talk about my car - okay, a toaster is in my car - a freaking toaster!  Perhaps, I could create some goals if I clear all this clutter.  Perhaps.

* I'd like to address my inconsistent blogging...I suck.  No excuses.  I suck.  Please don't give up on me!

***MOOSE UPDATE*** Quite the GOOD BOY!  He has been snuggly and sweet.  Erin took Moosilli (Moose+Lilli, like Brangelina, only with eight legs instead of two) to a park today.

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